Loneliness is Humbling

     I have never been bothered by being alone. In fact, I actually seek out alone time every chance I get. Not that I really mind being around people; it's just exhausting for someone with my personality when we hang out with others for too long. However, I would like to point out that "loneliness" and "alone time" are not the same thing. I might like being alone when I'm shopping, reading, watching TV, etc. but I still suffer from stretches of severe loneliness.
     Any of this sound familiar to anyone? Some days you just feel very stuck, like you're in a rut. Sometimes this can last for multiple days, weeks, or even months and years. Thankfully, the Lord has been unbelievably kind to me the past few months, so my "rut of loneliness" days are few and far between. Today, however, ended up being pretty bad, at least as far as loneliness goes. Objectively, I shouldn't really be feeling this way today; I got up early and went to the gym, cleaned most of the house I'm currently watching for friends, walked the dog, prayed and read my Bible, and ate pretty healthy, surprisingly! On the other hand, all day long I've been plagued with this heavy feeling of guilt, coupled with some mild anxiety and depression. About what, I honestly can't say; all I know is, the only thing that cured my spirit of that awful heaviness was some serious Bible reading and prayer. I just wish I had dived into the Word sooner; however, it was definitely well worth it! The Lord revealed to me just why I was feeling so crappy, and the Holy Spirit guided me to specific verses that encouraged me immensely.
     So for anyone out there who may be suffering from some intense loneliness, heaviness, anxiety, etc. always remember that immersing yourself in God's Word is the best cure for it all. And if you're like me, and get super worried about your future, or where your path is heading, or become upset with God for your life not being where you want it to be, there are some verses in Deuteronomy that are a WONDERFUL help. (Rather humbling, too, considering I was getting frustrated with God for not doing enough - as if He hasn't already done EVERYTHING.)
      Getting into the routine of reading your Bible and praying daily can be difficult, but we must never give up! (Setting an alarm every day for a specific time always helps.) Prayer is so important; not only does God want that personal relationship with us, but it's the best way to re-center yourself and find some true peace, even in the midst of your loneliness. Prayer also helps us to stay humble and focused on the Lord; may we never forget that we always need Him. The Lord loves us SO MUCH; so if the loneliness ever gets too heavy for you, remember that He will "never leave you, nor forsake you." He longs to be closer to us; we just have to be willing to push through the loneliness and heaviness to hear Him. We'll be THAT much better for it though, praise the Lord.

"He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. [...] For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land - a land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills; a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey; a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills. "
Deuteronomy 8:3. 7-9, NIV.


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