Growth in Uncertainty

Hey all - I apologize for the delay in posting; so many factors are behind it that I won't even mention most of them. However, my biggest block seemed to be coming up with something to write about. Then, completely out of the blue, I got hit with a metaphor that is unbelievably perfect! It goes along so well with everything God's been showing me recently, as well as with my last post. May it never be said that the Lord doesn't provide for us! So, last Spring, as the school year was winding down, I was put in charge of a new project we had in our class. We received a small gardening kit, with three different types of seeds, as well as three different colors of "NASA space gel" to use instead of dirt. (This actually ended up being my project specifically, as preschoolers aren't exactly old enough for a project like this one. It was quite interesting just trying to keep them from shaking the poor things!) About a week or so after ...