Thy Will Be Done
Happy new year, and happy snowy weekend to everyone! Hopefully everyone had a good holiday season, and is running into this new year at top speed, ready to conquer anything! As for me, I am excited to see what this new year will bring; at present though, I am just waiting for winter to pass, and the cold to be gone. Now, I love the snow. Snow and I get along very well, and always have! I just wish there was some magical way to have the snow without the crazy cold temperatures. This winter has made me officially realize that I was not meant for scraping ice off my car and piling unbelievable layers upon my person. No way, y'all; I was meant to live where the sun shines almost continuously, and the temperature never drops below thirty-five degrees. I love Fall, and I love early Spring; it is the in-between waiting period I dislike. Even the beauty of snow can only temporarily delay the impatience that inevitably rushes forth during Winter, and rule...